Feature: People along Pakistan-Afghanistan border wish for stable, prosperous Afghanistan

Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-09 13:51:17|Editor: huaxia
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Trucks enter Pakistan at the border crossing point of Torkham between Pakistan and Afghanistan in northwest Pakistan's Torkham on Sept. 3, 2021. The Torkham border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, located in a tribal town in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has seen many people entering and exiting Pakistan since the Afghan Taliban's takeover of Kabul last month. During a recent visit to the border, Xinhua's reporters witnessed the return of normalcy in travel and trade between the two countries, with border guards allowing travelers with valid documents to enter and exit from the border, at both sides. (Xinhua/Ahmad Kamal)

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KEY WORDS: Pakistan,Afghanistan,Border,FEATURE