Lithuanian parliament green-lights e-residency status for foreigners

Source: Xinhua| 2019-07-17 00:39:27|Editor: yan
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VILNIUS, July 16 (Xinhua) -- The Lithuanian parliament adopted law amendments on Tuesday allowing non-Lithuanians to obtain e-residence status as of 2021.

The e-residency status will allow company registration, online banking, tax declaration and other services in Lithuania. The amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens will come into force in January 2021.

Foreign applicants for e-residency in Lithuania will be issued with a tool of electronic identification and signature which will allow them to access to a number of country's public, administrative and commercial services.

The status "would contribute to creation of more favorable business environment in Lithuania", the country's Ministry of the Interior stated earlier.

Foreigners will need to apply to Lithuania's Migration Department for the status of e-resident.

According to the law amendments, the status will not be granted to persons who have been alerted by any state to the Schengen Information System for non-admission.

Lithuania's Baltic neighbor Estonia offered e-residency to non-citizens back in 2014.