Egyptians commemorate 46th anniversary of 1973 Arab-Israeli War

Source: Xinhua| 2019-10-07 01:38:46|Editor: yan
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CAIRO, Oct. 6 (Xinhua) -- Egyptians commemorated on Sunday the 46th anniversary of Egypt's victory in the October War, also known as the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, through which the Arab country regained the Sinai Peninsula that was occupied by the Israeli army for six years.

In the capital Cairo, hundreds of Egyptians gathered at the Unknown Soldier Memorial, where late President Anwar Sadat, who was the president during the 1973 war, was buried after his assassination in the 1981.

Holding Egypt national flags, dozens of Egyptians took photos at the memorial place, while others held photos of Sadat and chanted pro-military slogans.

"I brought my children today to tell them the story of our victory," Adel Hamza, a middle-aged man told Xinhua. "My message to my children is that we fought for peace, not for the sake of war."

Hamza added that Egypt had to fight after all peaceful ways for an Israeli pullout from the territories it captured in the 1967 Six-Day War failed, stressing that the war paved the way for a peaceful settlement that is still thoroughly and carefully maintained.

The October War, also known as the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, was fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and its then ally Syria against Israel from Oct. 6 to 25, 1973.

The first day of the war saw Egyptian forces launch a successful operation to cross the Suez Canal.

Near the Unknown Soldier Memorial, hundreds of visitors toured the various sections of the 6th of October War Panorama Museum, where military vehicles, weaponry and aircraft that were used in the war were shown to the public.

"We come here every year to watch videos showing the course of war as well as the weapons that were used in the battlefield," said Adel Eid, who came with his family from Egypt's Delta province of Monofia.

Eid said this day means much to all Egyptians, noting that every Egyptian should be proud of the national army "which fought throughout history to protect the Egyptian soil."

Also on Sunday, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said the victory represents a unique demonstration of the nation's will.

In a short televised speech, Sisi said the younger generations need to know what happened during that period in 1973 and how the people stood behind their armed forces.

Sisi also saluted late Sadat for his leadership during the war.