Western countries call for release of kidnapped member of Libya's eastern-based parliament

Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-18 01:57:57|Editor: yan
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TRIPOLI, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- The embassies of several Western countries to Libya on Sunday called for the immediate release of a disappeared member of the eastern-based House of Representatives (parliament).

The parliament member was kidnapped in July in the eastern city of Benghazi.

"The embassies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the EU Delegation, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and UK to Libya express their deep concern regarding the continued disappearance of House of Representatives member Siham Sergiwa, and call for her immediate release," a joint statement of the embassies said.

The statement called on relevant authorities in Libya to urgently investigate into Sergiwa's disappearance and provide an update on her whereabouts.

Earlier in July, unidentified gunmen kidnapped Sergiwa from her home in Benghazi, took her to an unknown location and shot her husband.

The UN-backed government based in the capital Tripoli held the rival eastern-based army responsible for the incident.

Benghazi is controlled by the eastern-based army which is currently engaged in a deadly armed conflict against the UN-backed government over the control of Tripoli.