China's newly recovered coronavirus patients outnumber new infections for 7th consecutive day

Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-25 09:45:30|Editor: huaxia

A medical team member gets ready to set off at the Harbin Taiping International Airport in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Feb. 23, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Jianwei)

China's daily number of newly cured and discharged novel coronavirus patients has surpassed that of new infections for the seventh consecutive day.

BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- China's daily number of newly cured and discharged novel coronavirus patients has surpassed that of new infections for the seventh consecutive day, according to the National Health Commission Tuesday.

Monday saw 2,589 people walk out of hospital after recovery, much higher than the new confirmed infections, which was 508, figures from the commission showed.

A total of 27,323 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital by the end of Monday, according to the commission.