Chinese medical experts arrive in Algeria to help fight COVID-19

Source: Xinhua| 2020-05-15 00:27:00|Editor: huaxia

A Chinese medical team arrives at Algiers International Airport in Algeria on May 14, 2020 to help fight COVID-19. (Xinhua)

A Chinese medical team arrives in Algeria to share anti-COVID-19 experiences with their Algerian counterparts.

ALGIERS, May 14 (Xinhua) -- A team of Chinese medical experts on Thursday arrived in Algiers, capital of Algeria, to help the North African country fight the coronavirus.

During their 15-day stay in Algeria, the Chinese experts will share their experiences in COVID-19 treatment with their Algerian counterparts.

Speaking upon the experts' arrival in Algeria, Chinese Ambassador to Algeria Li Lianhe said the Chinese medical team is composed of 20 medical experts who specialize in areas including respiratory, intensive care, infectious diseases, nursing, building and management of hospitals, and Chinese traditional medicine.

Li said the Chinese medical mission highlights the distinguished relations between China and Algeria.

Mohamed El Hadj, Director General of Health Department at Algerian Health Ministry, said "China and Algeria have different ways of dealing with the COVID-19 infections, and we will learn from their experiences and they will learn from ours."