UNRWA official warns of COVID-19 risks in refugee camps

Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-21 20:17:30|Editor: huaxia

BEIRUT, June 21 (Xinhua) -- Head of the Health Department at the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) Abdul Hakim Shanaa announced Sunday that COVID-19 is no longer a threat to refugee camps but it exists inside some of them, LBCI local TV channel reported.

"We urge all refugees in the camps to adhere to health guidelines and maintain a safe distance away from crowded places," Shanaa said.

He stressed that his department is making every effort to preserve the dignity and health of refugees and it will spare no effort to preserve their health.

The Ministry of Health and UNRWA have conducted a number of PCR tests in Beddawi, Mieh Mieh, and Shatila camps.

Over 1.5 million Syrian refugees left their homeland to Lebanon following the eruption of the Syrian civil war and there are 174,422 registered Palestinians in Lebanon, according to a study by the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee in 2017.

The UNRWA faced severe financial challenges in 2019 with a deficit valued at 50 million U.S. dollars which will be added to this year's deficit despite the increase in support by donor countries in November and December of last year. Enditem