Contacts of bubonic plague case released from quarantine

Source: Xinhua| 2020-07-12 22:18:26|Editor: huaxia

HOHHOT, July 12 (Xinhua) -- A total of 15 close contacts of a bubonic plague case in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were released from quarantine for medical observation on Sunday, according to local health authorities.

The plague prevention and control headquarters in Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur City in the region, terminated the Level IV emergency response for the plague on Sunday.

The banner reported a confirmed bubonic plague case on July 5. Now the patient's condition is improving with stable vital signs, the banner's health commission said.

The banner will continue to work on the medical treatment of the patient, the training of plague prevention and control workers, and the monitoring and clean-up of epidemic areas. Enditem