Young Chinese join tide of national fitness

Source: Xinhua| 2020-08-27 10:47:25|Editor: huaxia


Lin Ziyi practices inside a skateboarding club during training in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 4, 2020. 16-year old Lin Ziyi is a student from Beijing No.4 High School. She fell in love with skateboarding four years ago when her father gave her a skateboard as a birthday gift. Afterwards, she got addicted to the sport. When asked how it felt like while skateboarding, she said, "You think of nothing and it feels like flying." But it wasn't always fun. Her legs became black and blue after falling off the skateboard time after time. "Hard as it is, I just don't quit. It's the most fun when you finally succeed in making a trick". Now she could do the kickflip after praciticing thousands of times, which made herself very proud. Lin also found the same enthusiasm in painting. In 2017, a skateboard company released a collaboration board with her painting on it themed "If you don't treat the earth well...". "To me, painting and skateboarding share one thing in common," she said, "the more challenging it is, the more I want to make it." (Xinhua/Li Ming)