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英球星阿什利·科尔陷性丑闻 性爱录像遭高价兜售(图)
2013-08-04 14:48:51 来源: 新华国际

Premiership ace’s 18-min sex video touted to X-rated website

    SEX-shame footie star Ashley Cole was last night facing fresh scandal after an explicit video of him was touted to an X-rated website.

    The England and Chelsea defender is seen lying naked in a compromising position during the 18½-minute sex tape.

    It is thought to have been filmed during a raunchy conversation with a girl on Skype.

    She is now said to be touting the video for £2,000 to a celebrity website that has previously sold similar revealing videos of male stars.

    The girl has also released four images from the tape, which clearly identify Ashley — divorced by pop star Cheryl Cole after he cheated and swap-ped erotic photos with other women.

    Remarkably the player, who has more than one million Twitter followers, seems to have made little effort to protect his identity because his face is fully visible in two of the images.

    The Sun has seen the pictures, but has made no attempt to buy the video or contact the woman trying to sell it.

    If released online the tape, believed to have been made in the last two weeks, would generate massive interest around the world — and cause a huge headache for Cole. It is bound to raise fresh concerns about the 32-year-old player’s conduct among the management of his club and the national team.。

    Last night a source said: “This appears to be incredibly reckless behaviour by Ashley given his past actions.

    "Obviously he is a single man now, so he is not betraying anyone.

    “But England and Chelsea management have made it clear this type of behaviour is unacceptable — especially from experienced players who are meant to set a good example. “

    Once a video or pictures are leaked online it’s very hard to get rid of them.”

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