Russia unveils new Arctic military base with 3D virtual tour

Source: Xinhua| 2017-04-20 15:45:56|Editor: xuxin
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MOSCOW, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Defense Ministry has offered internet users a rare chance to "virtually" visit its newly-built Arctic Trefoil military base on its website.

Visitors to the Defense Ministry website can for the first time take a 3D interactive excursion around the northernmost permanent installation of the Russian armed forces.

Located on Alexandra Land Island in the Arctic region, the sprawling three-pointed complex will house some 150 personnel who will be tasked with protecting the Russian border, airspace, and other interests in the region, according to the ministry.

While the "tour" does not show any new military hardware, visitors can explore the comfort of the living quarters of the massive construction.

"The virtual military base 3D tour openly demonstrates how rooms for servicemen are equipped," the ministry said, adding that visitors can also get a sneak peek into the officers' canteen, gym and cinema-concert halls.

The Trefoil base is one of the six new military bases Moscow has recently completed equipping on the Arctic islands and in the polar part of mainland Russia.

The completion of those bases marks a major step towards Russia's overall goal of reopening and extending the military bases it once owned and operated throughout the Arctic during the Cold War.