2 local Taliban leaders killed in airstrike in Afghanistan

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-13 14:06:22|Editor: liuxin
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KABUL, May 13 (Xinhua) -- Two local Taliban leaders were killed after Afghan air force struck a militants' hideout in restive southern Helmand province on Friday, the Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"The strike was conducted on specific intelligence inputs in Musa Qala district, killing Ustad Toor Jan and Fidda Mohammad and three militants' vehicles were also destroyed following the raid," it said in a statement posted on its official Facebook page.

In addition, the army personnel conducted a cordon and search operation in neighboring Marja district, capturing 10 Taliban militants and destroying three vehicles, it said.

Furthermore, three militants were killed and eight others wounded in a separate operation in surrounding areas of Tirin Kot, capital of neighboring Uruzgan province, according to the statement.

The army bomb disposal teams also found and defused 28 roadside bombs and landmines in Uruzgan within the past 24 hours, the statement added.

Afghan security forces have beefed up security operations against militants recently as clashes between security forces and militants have been continuing in 16 of the country's 34 provinces.

The militant group has yet to make comments.