Ugandan military to investigate its troops over alleged sexual abuses in CAR

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-16 20:41:49|Editor: xuxin
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KAMPALA, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The Ugandan military on Tuesday said it will investigate reports that its troops withdrawing from a regional mission in Central African Republic (CAR) were involved in sexual exploitation and abuses.

Brig. Richard Karemire, the military spokesman told Xinhua by telephone that if the allegations are found to be true, the errant officers would be tried in a military court martial.

"We can't tolerate bad and errant soldiers. Once we get them they will be dealt with and punished according to our laws," said Karemire.

He said already two soldiers are being tried over similar allegations.

Human Rights Watch, a New York based organization on Monday alleged that Ugandan troops deployed in CAR as part of the African Union's Regional Task Force to eliminate the notorious Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels were involved in sexual exploitation and abuses of girls and women.

The human rights organization said at least 13 women and three girls were abused since 2015.

Ugandan troops have been deployed in CAR since 2009 as part of a regional force to fight the LRA rebels hiding in the Democratic Republic of Congo and CAR jungles. Last month the troops started withdrawing noting that their mission had been accomplished. Enditem