Most Americans consider trade with China beneficial to U.S. economy: survey

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-20 16:38:49|Editor: Song Lifang
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WASHINGTON, May 19 (Xinhua) -- A majority of Americans consider trade with China beneficial to the U.S. economy and consumers, according to a survey released Friday.

The survey, conducted by the Committee of 100 (C100), a non-profit organization of prominent Chinese American leaders, explored U.S and Chinese public perceptions about each other.

It has found that 81 percent of Americans agree that trade with China will be advantageous to the U.S. economy, and 75 percent of Americans think that products from China benefit American consumers.

The report also discovered that overall sentiment is positive about bilateral investment between China and the United States.

It is for the first time since 2001 that Americans and Chinese agree on the three areas in which both countries would benefit from working together: trade, global financial stability, and the environment, according to the survey.

"The aim of this survey is to determine Americans' attitudes toward China, and Chinese attitudes toward the United States, in order to explore the most salient issues in U.S.-China relations," said Frank Wu, chair of the C100.

"It is more crucial than ever to find paths to mutual understanding and stronger bilateral relations," he said.

According to the survey, millennials (18-34 year olds) in both countries have a more favorable impression about each other than older generations do.

For example, 57 percent of American millennials have a positive impression of China, compared to 48 percent of the overall American public, while 60 percent of Chinese millennials have a favorable impression of the United States, compared to 55 percent of the Chinese public in general.

Meanwhile, 88 percent of American millennials think positively of the Chinese language taught in U.S. schools and 86 percent think the increase of Chinese students studying in the United States schools is good for America, the survey said.