White House defends Trump's travel ban after second setback from appeals court

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-13 05:32:55|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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WASHINGTON, June 12 (Xinhua) -- The White House on Monday defended President Donald Trump's travel ban shortly after a second federal appeals court ruled to uphold the block of the travel ban.

The Trump administration is currently reviewing the decision from the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that found Trump's travel ban unconstitutional, said White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer at Monday's press briefing, adding that he had the confidence that the president would ultimately be vindicated.

Trump signed a revised travel ban in late January that would temporarily bar U.S. entry from six majority-Muslim countries in Middle East and Africa after his origial travel ban was blocked by the Ninth Circuit.

"I think we can all attest that these are very dangerous times and we need every available tool at our disposal to prevent terrorists from entering the United States and committing acts of bloodshed and violence," said Spicer.

"We continue to be confident that the president's executive order to protect our country is fully lawful and ultimately will be upheld at the Supreme Court," Spicer added.