Kenya bans commuter vehicles in Lamu highway over insecurity

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-07 23:02:16|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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LAMU, Kenya, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Kenyan government on Monday banned passenger vehicles on the Lamu-Garsen highway due to security concerns.

Lamu County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri said they have reports that Al-Shabaab were planning attacks on the route this week.

Kanyiri said no one should therefore travel to and from Lamu starting Tuesday.

"We are urging travellers to be patient as security officers try to manage the situation. It's not advisable for public service vehicles (PSV) and private cars to use the highway during the election," said Kanyiri.

Kanyiri who spoke after meeting bus owners said the ban shall remain in force until further notice.

The ban comes hours after police in Lamu exchanged fire with suspected Al-Shabaab militants after an IED attack on Monday.

Three people were injured in the 6:30 a.m. incident after their lorry ran over an IED at Nyongoro area. They were rushed to Witu hospital.

Five people were injured last week after suspected militants fired at a passenger bus that was travelling from Malindi to Kipini. The militants fled the scene before police escort arrived.

In another incident in the area, three Tana River county officials died when their vehicle was sprayed with bullets then torched.