WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Nearly half of Americans who have experienced online harassment said they knew the people responsible for the harassing, according to a new report from Pew Research Center.
About 46 percent of harassment victims said their harassers were an acquaintance, a friend, a co-worker or even a family member, according to the report released earlier this week.
The survey also showed that those who knew their harassers tended "to be more deeply affected by their experience and to express greater concerns of their safety."
About 34 percent of harassment victims who knew the harasser described their incidnet as "extremely or very upsetting," while 17 percent victims who were not acquainted at all with their harasser uttered similar feelings.
Those who knew the attackers were also more likely to say the indicent caused a range of problems, said Monica Anderson, the author of the report.
Anderson added that those problems could include difficulties with friends or family, damage to their reputation, and mental or emotional stress.