TAIPEI, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Search is underway for a missing cargo ship in the sea off northern Taiwan, the island's maritime and port bureau said Sunday.
The cargo vessel, named "Hsin Fa Erh", set sail for Mazu Harbor in east China's Fujian Province from Taipei Harbor on Friday afternoon, but encountered strong wind, rough waves and engine breakdown.
The vessel had planed to sail back to the port. No contact was reported after 8:34 p.m. Friday.
The vessel was about 14 nautical miles away from the Taipei Harbor and 11 nautical miles from the Taoyuan Zhuwei Fishing Harbor at the time of the last contact.
In addition to the captain, there were four Taiwanese crew members and one Indonesian worker on the vessel. ' The wind and waves are so strong that only large vessels and helicopters can be used to search for the missing vessel.