32 killed in Indonesia fireworks factory fire

Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-26 17:58:03|Editor: Song Lifang
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JAKARTA, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- A fireworks factory in Tanggerang city near the Indonesian capital caught fire on Thursday morning, leaving 32 workers dead and 46 others injured, a firefighter said.

A firefighter at the scene, named only Hanafi, told Xinhua by phone that he got information that the number of casualties is 30.

But several hours later, two more workers were found dead, according to Doni Pratama, a rescuer from Jakarta search and rescue office.

"Two body bags were removed from the factory minutes ago," Pratama told Xinhua by phone from the scene.

"The condition of the corps was fully burned. Now we are searching for and combing the scene to see whether there are any other casualties," he said.

Pratama and several other rescuers from Jakarta have been deployed to the scene to give assistance to the local firefighters and rescuers.

A short circuit of electricity and two many raw materials in the factory, which were not properly stored, may be to blame for the fire, said Hanafi.

"But the police are investigating the incident, including the cause of it," he said.

The wounded have been treated at nearby hospitals in Tanggerang city and a police hospital in Jakarta, according to Hanafi.