Meet the only doctor worked in " isolated island in the sea"

Source:Xinhua| 2017-11-22 07:58:41|Editor: Mengjie
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Yu Jiajun pays a home visit in Jinzhai County, east China's Anhui Province, Sept. 14, 2017. Local people in Haidao Village in Anhui call the village "an isolated island in the sea." The village is located deep in the mountains near the Xianghongdian Reservoir. A houseboat has been docked for nearly 20 years in the east of the reservoir. Yu Jiajun, 39, is the houseboat's owner and the only doctor in Haidao village, which is home to more than 200 people. In 1999, Yu graduated from Lu'an Medical School and settled with his wife on the houseboat. He named the boat "Haidao Clinic." For the past 18 years, he has rowed the small wooden boat every day to see his patients. Haidao villagers call it the "water ambulance." There are 55 households in Haidao with a population of more than 200 people. In recent years, many young people have gone to work in big cities, leaving behind over 100 old men, women and children at home. "There was no clinic in the past. Villagers had to walk and row for hours to go to the hospital in town," Yu recalled. As more and more young people leave for big cities, Yu has been reluctant to leave the clinic and his patients, according to Yu's wife, Wu Qijiao. Years ago, Wu's brother asked the couple to help him with business. But Yu chose to stay at his clinic because "my patients want me to stay." (Xinhua/Liu Junxi)

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KEY WORDS: doctor