Lingshui of Hainan promotes premium tourism resources

Source: Xinhuanet| 2017-12-05 11:34:40|Editor: Zhou Xin
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Ethnic folk dance is performed during the 5th Forum on Tourism Integration and Innovation. (Xinhuanet/Zhou Shuyi)

The 5th Forum on Tourism Integration and Innovation was held in Lingshui Li Autonomous County, south China's Hainan Province in September.

More than 350 guests from nationwide governmental organs, scenic spots, tourism enterprises, and academic agencies attended the event.

CPC and governmental leaders of Lingshui County, together with local tourism enterprise representatives, introduced tourism resources regarding ocean, health care, recreation and sports, rural travel, ecological forest, and township life to guests from home and abroad.

Located in southeast of Hainan Province, Lingshui is one of China's scarce tropical coastal cities.

It is now where Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot zone lies.

The tourism resources in Lingshui feature premium and diversity. Scenic bays and islands are studded like pearls along its 109.6-kilometer coastlines.

Among them, Clearwater Bay wins a good reputation for its delicate sand.

By building high-end facilities such as opera house and yacht dock, Clearwater Bay aims to thrust itself into a national 4A scenic spot, bringing more enriched tourism experience to visitors.

In addition to nature-endowed scenery, Lingshui is advantaged in its unique cultural landscapes.

Yetian Ancient Village, with its multiple national intangible cultural heritages, is a window which showcases Li minority nationality folk culture.

Lingshui is now coordinating and integrating its tourism resources, dividing itself into several functional tourist areas with respective features.

With a combination of city sightseeing area, rural coastal traveling area, tourism resort zone, high-end coastal resort and rainforest resort, it is evolving into a comprehensive tour city.