Turkey warns Syrian refugees of deportation for crimes

Source: Xinhua| 2017-07-06 16:04:04|Editor: Zhang Dongmiao
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ANKARA, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Turkey has warned that refugees who commit crimes would face deportation, amid increasing reports of clashes between Syrians and locals in parts of Turkey, local media Hurriyet Daily News reported Thursday.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim stressed that those "who cross the line are punished as deserved before the law," adding that if necessary, "we will deport those (refugees) who commit crimes."

Yildirim's words came after a clash between local residents and refugees in Ankara's Yenimahalle district on July 2, in which an Iraqi Turkmen was injured and several workplaces were damaged.

Regarding the naturalization of Syrians in Turkey, Yildirim said whoever wants to get Turkish citizenship should show loyalty to the state and go under investigated in terms of national security and public order.

Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak called for de-escalation of tensions between local residents and refugees, saying that crime rate of Syrians is lower than that of Turkish citizens.