Qatar, France stage joint military drill

Source: Xinhua| 2017-09-14 06:13:56|Editor: yan
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DOHA, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- A French frigate has arrived at Qatari Hamad Port to participate in a number of maritime exercises with Qatari navy, Qatar news agency (QNA) reported Wednesday.

On behalf of the Chief of Staff of the Qatari Armed Forces, the head of the directorate of military training Brigadier General (Pilot) Khalifa Saleh Al Nuaimi welcomed the French frigate, QNA said.

The directorate said the military exercises will be held in areas of Hamad Port, Doha naval base and the territorial waters of Qatar, according to QNA report.

These exercises come within the framework of the joint military cooperation between Qatar and France to combat terrorism and extremism, the directorate said.

Since the beginning of the gulf crisis, Qatar has strengthened the relations between the other countries especially at the military and defense field.

Led by Saudi Arabia, several states in the Middle East and Africa have cut diplomatic and connection ties with Qatar since June 5, accusing the gas-rich Gulf state of supporting terrorism and Iran. Qatar denied the allegations.