Gunfights break out in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-14 12:32:11|Editor: Xiang Bo
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SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Gunfights between militants and Indian troops broke out Tuesday in two different places in restive Indian-controlled Kashmir, police said.

The gunfights erupted in Kulgam and Pulwama districts, south of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir.

"Cordon and search operation turns into gunfight in Nowbug Kund Qazigund of Kulgam," a police spokesman said. "In village Lam-Tral of Pulwama, gunfight between militants and contingents of police and army is underway."

Meanwhile, two militants were killed Monday night in a gunfight with government forces in Kupwara district after they attacked a police party in Rajwar area.

"The militants fired upon a joint party of police, army and paramilitary troopers who were deployed at a crossing to check the movement of vehicles. The attack was repulsed and both militants were killed by the timely retaliation of the alert security personnel," a senior police official said.

The slain militants were identified as local cadres of the Hizbul Mujahideen group.

Following the militant killings, massive protests rocked their hometowns at Palhalan and Sopore.

Authorities have suspended internet service in Baramulla district fearing it would mobilize crowds.

A guerilla war is going on between militants and Indian troops stationed in Indian-controlled Kashmir since 1989. The gunfight between the two sides takes place intermittently across the region.

Kashmir, the Himalayan region divided between India and Pakistan, is claimed by both in full. Since their independence from Britain, the two countries have fought three wars, two exclusively over Kashmir.