Xinhua Asia-Pacific News Summary at 1600 GMT, June 30

Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-01 00:18:33|Editor: huaxia
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KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysia's former ruling party United Malays National Organization (UMNO) elected a new leadership on Saturday following the defeat in the general election in May.

Around 165,000 UMNO delegates casted their votes in 191 divisions across the country. (Malaysia-UMNO)

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COLOMBO -- Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe Saturday said that the Hambantota Port in southern Sri Lanka will trigger off much needed economic development of backward districts and dismissed allegations that it would be used for military purposes by any foreign country.

The Sri Lanka Ports Authority signed an agreement with China Merchants Port Holdings in July last year to manage the port. (Sri Lanka-Port)

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COLOMBO -- China will continue to work with Sri Lanka to actively implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and continuously promote the pragmatic cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiatives, the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka said in a statement Saturday.

A spokesperson in the Embassy said that China has always been pursuing a friendly policy toward Sri Lanka, firmly supporting the latter's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposing any country's interference in the internal affairs of the island country. (Sri Lanka-China)

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KABUL -- Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani announced end to his government's unilateral ceasefire on Saturday and orders security forces to resume anti-militants operations in the country.

"Now, it is up to the Taliban's decision, whether they want to join the peace process or keep on killing in the country," Ghani told reporters at a press conference here. (Afghanistan-Peace) Enditem