Israeli PM vows to catch Palestinian suspected of killing two in West Bank

Source: Xinhua| 2018-10-09 20:47:39|Editor: huaxia
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JERUSALEM, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Monday that Israel's security forces will track down the Palestinian who allegedly killed two Israelis in a West Bank settlement on Sunday.

The Israeli military, Shin Bet security service, and police forces have been hunting the suspected attacker since the shooting attack took place in the Barkan Industrial Zone, a settlement industrial compound, on Sunday morning, claiming the lives of an Israeli man and woman. A third woman was injured.

Speaking at an inauguration ceremony of a synagogue in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, Netanyahu warned: "We'll catch the despicable murderer and settle the score with him. The blood of Israeli citizens is not cheap."

An Israeli military spokesperson said earlier on Sunday that security forces "operated" in the suspected attacker's village of Shuweika, north of Tulkarm city.

"During the activity, the forces carried out several apprehensions in the village," the spokesperson said in a statement. Palestinian media reported that the forces also arrested the suspect's sister, a lecturer at the An-Najah University in Nablus in the northern West Bank.

Also on Sunday, Naftali Bennett, an Israeli cabinet minister, urged the government to change its security policy. Bennett, leader of the pro-settler party of the Jewish Home and Israel's education minister, told a security conference in Tel Aviv that Israel should "rehabilitate its security policy and deterrence."

"I think we need to make a very significant and quick change to Israel's security policy and restore the deterrence," he said.

He said the suspect's family home should be demolished. "More than 100 terrorists' houses are still standing," he said, calling to demolish homes of assailants.

Israel has demolished dozens of Palestinian homes over the past years, claiming the measure is used to deter more attacks.

However, Palestinians and human rights groups say the measure constitutes a collective punishment and is ineffective. Enditem