Top news items in major Zimbabwean media outlets

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-11 17:46:05|Editor: huaxia
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HARARE, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- The following are the news highlights in Zimbabwe's major media outlets on Friday.

-- All doctors who had withdrawn their labor from Government hospitals in Zimbabwe have now returned to work.

This follows an announcement by their association yesterday calling off the 40-day industrial action. (The Herald)

-- The Zimbabwean government on Thursday offered its workers a 10 percent salary increment beginning April, a figure that would translate into an additional 160 million dollars to its wage bill by December, but the workers' representatives rejected the offer saying they wanted to consult their membership first.

The workers are demanding a salary of 1,733 dollars for the least-paid employee, up from 414 dollars inclusive of allowances, which would represent an increase of 419 percent. (The Herald)

-- Zimbabwe's finance minister Mthuli Ncube has said the serious challenges facing the country, including a high budget deficit and significant debt, and currency challenges, were surmountable with major structural reforms.

Addressing the European Parliament Thursday, Ncube said what was required was urgent and bold action and tough decisions. (NewsDay) Enditem