China's Wang Yi meets Pakistani, Afghan foreign ministers, vowing to maintain regional stability

Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-08 08:20:46|Editor: huaxia
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ISLAMABAD, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi here on Saturday met separately with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani, as all sides committed efforts to maintain regional peace and stability.

Wang, on the sidelines of the 3rd China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Dialogue, held the two bilateral meetings with the two foreign ministers.

Wang, during the meeting, told Qureshi that the China-Pakistan relations will further be strengthened in spite of the complex and changing regional and international situation.

He said that China will continue to staunchly support Pakistan in its efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity, to maintain domestic stability in a bid to boost economic development and to play a bigger constructive role in international affairs.

Wang also said China is willing to enhance strategic communication with Pakistan at all levels to boost cooperation in every sector, in particular, to fasten the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

He said the two sides need to promote coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs in order to protect their mutual interests.

The Chinese state councilor pointed out that the two countries should deepen the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future and to make new contribution to regional peace, stability and development.

Qureshi, during the meeting, expressed congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

He said the two countries are "closest friends" and their all-weather strategic cooperative partnership an "anchor" of regional stability.

The Pakistani foreign minister said his country supports the construction of the CPEC, highly appreciating the huge benefits brought by the project.

Pakistan is keen to boost construction of other crucial projects including the Gwadar Port, he said.

Pakistan welcomes more investment of Chinese enterprises and will take effective measures to help Chinese companies tackle difficulties and safeguard their security, said the Pakistani official.

He said Pakistan welcomes China to play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in South Asia, will strengthen coordination and cooperation with China in regional and international affairs and will continue to firmly support China in safeguarding its core interest.

The two officials, during their meeting, also exchanged views on Kashmir situation.

Qureshi elaborated Pakistan's stance on Kashmir. Wang also reiterated China's consistent position on the issue, saying China attaches great importance to Pakistan's legitimate and reasonable concerns.

Wang, during his meeting with Rabbani, said China appreciates Afghanistan's firm support in issues concerning China's core interest and its efforts to battle East Turkestan Islamic Movement in the country.

China supports the Afghan government in safeguarding the country's sovereignty, independence and dignity, and is willing to implement the consensus reached between the two leaders to boost the building of the Belt and Road Initiative, to continue help in the development of Afghanistan's economy and society and the improvement of people's livelihood, Wang said.

China respects Afghanistan's sovereignty and the will of the Afghan people, and firmly supports the Afghan reconciliation and peaceful reconstruction process featuring the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned characteristics, the Chinese state councilor said.

For his part, Rabbani congratulated the People's Republic of China on its 70th anniversary of the founding, expressing gratitude for China's bolster for his country in various fields, and appreciated China's unremitting efforts and important role in advancing reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan and safeguarding peace and stability in the region.

Speaking highly of China's pushing forward of the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Dialogue, he said Afghanistan is willing to enhance mutual political trust among the three sides and deepen practical cooperation and anti-terrorism cooperation.