French official says France aims to help Lebanon, not impose solutions

Source: Xinhua| 2019-11-14 23:14:33|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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BEIRUT, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Christophe Farnaud, head of North Africa and Middle East Department at the French Foreign Ministry, said Thursday that his visit to Lebanon aimed at listening to the Lebanese demands, not forcing specific solutions to the crises, the National News agency reported.

"We are highly aware of the sensitive economic, political and social crises that Lebanon is going through. My visit aims at understanding and listening to people's demands and not forcing any solutions," Farnaud said during a press conference in Beirut.

Farnaud said that Lebanon's problems are "too complicated and worrisome."

He also called for a quick formation of a new government that would meet people's demands.

Farnaud arrived in Lebanon on Tuesday to meet with Lebanese officials and protesters.

A protest was held earlier the same day in front of the French embassy in Beirut against the visit of the senior French official to Lebanon.

Protesters said they consider the visit of the French official as an intervention in Lebanon's internal affairs.

Some of the civil society groups have also refused invitations to meet with Farnaud.