Iran urges all parties involved to probe Ukrainian airliner crash

Source: Xinhua| 2020-01-10 10:45:07|Editor: yhy
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TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- Iran on Friday urged all parties involved to contribute to a probe into the crash of a Ukrainian airliner which killed all 176 people on board on Wednesday.

"According to international regulations, representatives from the civil aviation agency of the country where the crash has taken place (Iran), the civil aviation agency of the country which has issued the airworthiness certificate (Ukraine), the owner of the airliner (Ukraine International Airlines), the aircraft manufacturer (Boeing Co.), and the jet engine manufacturer (CFM International) can participate in the investigation process," Ali Rabiei, spokesman for the Iranian administration, said in a statement.

The statement also said a delegate from Ukraine is already in Iran, and Iran called on Boeing Co. to dispatch its own representative to participate in the process of reading the black box data.

Iran also invited the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to take part in the investigation. The NTSB announced it would join the probe into the crash and has designated an accredited representative.

Boeing said Wednesday that it is ready to provide any necessary assistance. And the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) also pledged to assist the probe into the crash.

Iran welcomed the participation of all countries whose nationals were on the ill-fated airliner.