Lebanese PM urges UN to stop Israeli violations of Lebanon's sovereignty

Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-06 19:44:13|Editor: huaxia

BEIRUT, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Caretaker Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab urged on Friday the United Nations to exert pressure on Israel to stop its violations of Lebanon's sovereignty, al-Jadeed TV channel reported.

"Israel's attacks against Lebanese territories constitute a clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1701," Diab said.

Hezbollah fired rockets earlier in the day against Israeli targets in the occupied Shebaa Farms in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes on Thursday in southern Lebanon.

Two rockets from Lebanon hit northern Israel on Wednesday, prompting Israeli artillery fire.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon warned that the situation on the border is very dangerous and called on all parties to stop fire. Enditem

KEY WORDS: Lebanon,Israel,UN