Swedish Museum of Failure hits Shanghai

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-20 14:41:27|Editor: Li Xia
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SHANGHAI, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- Products and services from the Museum of Failure in Sweden have been showcased in Shanghai as from Friday, with the exhibition scheduled to last two months.

Founded by Samuel West, a Swedish psychologist, the Museum of Failure opened in Sweden in 2017 and has since embarked on a world tour. This is its first exhibition in Asia.

More than 100 failed products and services, including Coca-Cola's coffee-flavored soda, Apple's Newton MessagePad, Colgate's frozen lasagna, a bottle of green ketchup and a pen specially designed for women, are on display.

"I was so tired of reading and hearing the same boring success stories, they are all alike," Samuel West said. "It is in the failures we find the interesting stories that we can learn from. Innovation and progress require the acceptance of failure."

For entering China, the exhibition has been given a new name in Chinese, Cheng Gong Zhi Mu, which means "the mother of success." As the old saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success."

The exhibition will tour more Chinese cities afterwards, according to Samuel West.