Egypt offers proposals for achieving Palestinian unity: official

Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-27 03:41:54|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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RAMALLAH, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- A senior official in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party said Sunday that Egypt has offered new proposals for achieving an internal Palestinian reconciliation and a national unity.

"We will give an answer to Egypt's new proposals over reconciliation within the coming 24 hours," said Azzam al-Ahmad, who chaired a Fatah delegation that held talks with senior officials of Egyptian security intelligence services in Cairo for two days.

"Our position is that the file of reconciliation must be finalized first," said al-Ahmad, quoted by the Palestinian state-run news agency WAFA.

"Then we should go to the file of the truce (with Israel) as well as the development and relief projects in the Gaza Strip," he said.

Last week, Cairo hosted another round of dialogue between senior Egyptian security intelligence services officials and leaders of Palestinian factions and political powers, including Islamic Hamas movement, which has ruled Gaza since 2007.

Earlier on Sunday, a senior Palestinian official from Gaza said that the Egyptian-sponsored internal Palestinian dialogue over reaching a cease-fire agreement with Israel will be resumed in Cairo this week.

The dialogue will focus on two major issues: reaching a truce agreement between Israel and Gaza Hamas-led militants, and ending the internal division to achieve national unity.